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amateurThere are three things that you need to watch out for if you’re into free booty calls. Of course, the classic definition of a booty call is that it has to be free. Let’s face it, if you have to pay for pussy, that’s not a booty call. That’s a business transaction. You’re simply fucking a whore. There’s no shame in that game, but let’s call things by their proper names. Those aren’t booty calls. I hope that’s clear.

In this blog post, I’m talking about genuine booty calls. This is when women give up the pussy for absolutely free. We’re not even talking about buying her a drink. We’re not even talking about taking her to lunch. There’s none of that emotional bullshit involved. It’s just a quick fuck.

With that said and regardless of how awesome the experience is otherwise, you need to watch out for three things. If you turn a blind eye to these signals, you might end up in trouble later on.

Thing #1: Be on the look about for crazy chicks

I wish that I could tell you that all the women out there giving up free booty calls are chicks you can trust. Unfortunately, nobody can. Why? There are lots of crazy women out there. There are lots of women out there that look at anonymous sex as a way to get back at men, resolve emotional issues, or otherwise deal with personal issues. Those are the kinds of chicks you need to stay away from.

The good news is that they are a tiny fraction of the women who are into anonymous sex. Still, it pays to be on the lookout for those psychos.

Thing #2: Watch out for your own feelings

It’s very easy for guys to think that they can fuck as many different women as possible and simply walk away. I wish it was that easy, but let’s face it if you are completely honest with yourself, you’d know that the moment you get physically intimate with somebody your feelings will get involved.

Watch out for this and try to avoid it. It can cause all sorts of unnecessary problems. You don’t want to be looked at as a stalker. That’s creepy.

Thing #3: Watch out for health issues

This should be obvious, but unfortunately common sense is quite uncommon in the internet. If you’re into bootys calls, make sure you strap up. Make sure you’re protected. In fact, there is a new medication out on the market that allows for prophylactic HIV protection.

If you are sexually active, this medication drastically decreases your chances of catching HIV. Use a condom. Use all sorts of anti-viral creams. Protect yourself. This goes without saying, but sometimes you need to spell out the obvious.

Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

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Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics

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